June 13, 2013

Ant #176. Random thoughts.

Everything goes wrong. I'm trying to be optimistic, but it's getting harder. The closer a dead-line, the more I think I hurried.

*  *  *

The relationship itself is great. We are knowing each other, and comparing to the first days, we are a perfect couple now.

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Counting days till the premiere of MDNA Tour! 22 of june!

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I need to speak russian. More! Sometimes I cannot remember proper words. English and spanish totally occupied my mind.

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I cannot sleep last days. Maybe because of the problems that I have.

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I have always been bad in multitasking. And now it's not an exception. So many things to do!
I'm bionic! I'm supersonic!

*  *  *

I started cooking frequently! This is so new to me. But we both are still alive! ^_^

*  *  *

2:04 am.
Good night!
Buenas noches!
Спокойной ночи!

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