May 28, 2014

Ant #263. Dick.

A funny dialog I've had today with one of my best friends (a girl). She's waiting for me in my homeland.

- Come here [to Russia] and you can fuck someone?
- Fuck? Someone in Russia? Hell, no!
- Why not?
- I'm not into slavic people! Yuk and anti-sexy!
- I'm in depression and you keep killing me.
- Hahaha, it's not about you, I'm just more attracted to argentinians. Come here and you'll see!
- What you mean by that? I'm slavic!
- So am I!
- But you have a dick. Everybody loves a dick!
- Aahahahaha, this is epic! )))
- Say that I'm cool! )
- You're awesome! You're even better than a dick! XD

Just in case... XD
Dick Tracy poster with Madonna )))

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