June 28, 2015

Ant #320. Rain.

I remember an old russian song where the lyrics say "Nature doesn't have a bad weather. Any weather is good."

I don't know. I have a friend who says that any weather is a nightmare, it's always too hot or too cold or too this or too that. She's funny )

I think I'm alright with a heat and frizzing cold, but I can't stand the rain. It ruins everything, plans, willings to go out, but first of all it ruins a good mood.

In Russia we say that rain is nothing but a sky crying. I think it's a beautiful metaphor. And that's exactly how I feel. I watch the water knits on my window and feel tears rolling down over my soul. I wanna get back to my bed and cover myself with a blanket. Too bad that nobody's bringing me a cup of a hot coffee... ☕

Current mood song...

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